If you’ve been buying your own parts and assembling radios for Meshtastic, it’s important to double check for battery polarity. Sometimes it’s marked on boards and sometimes it’s not — similarly, many times the generic but perfectly good LiPo batteries from overseas will use a familiar standard JST connector, but the positive and negative wires may be in one or the other side! The popular LilyGo T-Deck has a connector for your battery, but it is unmarked on the board itself.
Fortunately, the Meshtastic community is super helpful:
This forum post has a photo with a T-Deck and indicates the battery polarity: https://meshtastic.discourse.group/t/liligo-t-deck-onboard-battery-connector-polarity/10733/2 Note in the image if you look very closely, you’ll see that the speaker wires are opposite (this is also the case with my T-Deck in the photo below)